geopmwrite(1) – modify platform state


Write Control


Write Multiple Controls

Create Cache

geopmwrite --cache

Enable MSR Fixed Counters

geopmwrite --enable-fixed

Get Help Or Version

geopmwrite --help
geopmwrite --version


Provides a command line interface to PlatformIO and PlatformTopo. This tool can be used to write hardware/OS state through high-level control aliases and query other information about the platform such as the type and number of hardware domains. Details of the hardware domains can also be inferred from the output of lscpu(1).

When run without any arguments, the default behavior is to print a summary of available controls.

To write a specific control, geopmwrite should be run with four arguments. CONTROL_NAME is the name of the control of interest. DOMAIN_TYPE is hardware domain to which the control should be applied. DOMAIN_INDEX is used to indicate which instance of the domain to write to; indexing starts from 0 and goes up to the domain size - 1. VALUE is the floating-point number in SI units that the control will be adjusted to. If the DOMAIN_TYPE is a larger containing domain than that of the control, the same value will be applied to every contained subdomain. Refer to the domain hierarchy described in geopm::PlatformTopo(3) for the descriptions of the domains and how they are contained within one another.

board - domain for node-wide signals and controls
++ package - socket
++++ core - physical core
++++++ cpu - Linux logical CPU
++++ package_integrated_memory - on-package memory
++++ package_integrated_nic - NIC within the package
++++ package_integrated_gpu - domain for GPUs within the package
++ memory - other memory outside the package
++ nic - NIC attached to the board
++ gpu - domain for GPUs on the board

This utility can be used to create a geopm::PlatformTopo cache file in the tmpfs. When this file is not present the geopmread(1), geopmwrite(1), geopmctl(1) and geopmlaunch(1) will popen(3) a subprocess which provides the platform topology information. This subprocess will not be created if the cache file exists. See the --cache option below for more information.


-d, --domain

Print a list of all domains on the system.

-D, --control-domain

Print the domain of the signal name provided for option.

-i, --info

Print description of the provided CONTROL_NAME.

-I, --info-all

Print a list of all available controls with their descriptions, if any.

-c, --cache

Create a cache file for the geopm::PlatformTopo object if one does not exist or if the existing cache is from a previous boot cycle. If a privileged user requests this option (e.g. root or if invoked with sudo) the file path will be /run/geopm/geopm-topo-cache. If a non-privileged user requests this option the file path will be /tmp/geopm-topo-cache-<UID>. In either case, the permissions will be -rw-------, i.e. 600. If the file exists from the current boot cycle and has the proper permissions no operation will be performed. To force the creation of a new cache file, remove the existing cache file prior to executing this command.

-f, --config

Read control name, control domain, control index and control value from a configuration file rather than using the positional arguments. These four parameters are provided on each line of the file separated by white space. The file may have many lines specifying multiple controls to be written. Providing - for this option specifies to read the configuration from standard input.

-e, --enable-fixed

Write to the registers that enable the fixed counters. Enabling the fixed counters is required for the signals starting with MSR::FIXED_CTR to report non-zero values. The signal CPU_INSTRUCTIONS_RETIRED also requires the fixed counters to be enabled.

-h, --help

Print brief summary of the command line usage information, then exit.

-v, --version

Print version of geopm(7) to standard output, then exit.


List domains and size:

$ geopmwrite --domain
board                1
package              2
core                 64
cpu                  128
memory         2
package_integrated_memory       1
nic            1
package_integrated_nic          0
gpu    0
package_integrated_gpu  0

List all available controls on the system with domain type and number:

$ geopmwrite

Show the description for a control:

$ geopmwrite --info CPU_FREQUENCY_MAX_CONTROL
    description: Target operating frequency of the CPU based on the control register. When querying at a higher domain, if NaN is returned, query at its native domain.
    alias_for: MSR::PERF_CTL:FREQ
    units: hertz
    domain: core
    iogroup: MSRIOGroup

Show domain type for CPU_POWER control:

$ geopmwrite --control-domain CPU_POWER

Set the frequency of CPU 2 to 1.9 GHz:

$ geopmwrite CPU_FREQUENCY_MAX_CONTROL cpu 2 1.9e9

Set all CPUs on package 0 to 1.5 GHz (cpu 1 is on package 0):

$ geopmwrite CPU_FREQUENCY_MAX_CONTROL package 0 1.5e9

Set the uncore frequency of all CPUs to 1.5 GHz. Perform the operation in a single GEOPM batch-write request instead of across multiple geopmwrite commands:

$ printf 'CPU_UNCORE_FREQUENCY_MAX_CONTROL board 0 1.5e9\nCPU_UNCORE_FREQUENCY_MIN_CONTROL board 0 1.5e9\n' | geopmwrite --config=-

See Also

geopm(7), geopmread(1), lscpu(1)