geopm::TimeIOGroup(3) – IOGroup providing time signals


The TimeIOGroup class and the IOGroup class are members of the namespace geopm, but the full names, geopm::TimeIOGroup and geopm::IOGroup, have been abbreviated in this manual. Similarly, the std:: namespace specifier has been omitted from the interface definitions for the following standard types: std::vector, std::string, std::set, std::unique_ptr, and std::function, to enable better rendering of this manual.


#include <geopm/TimeIOGroup.hpp>

Link with -lgeopmd

set<string> TimeIOGroup::signal_names(void) const override;

set<string> TimeIOGroup::control_names(void) const override;

bool TimeIOGroup::is_valid_signal(const string &signal_name) const override;

bool TimeIOGroup::is_valid_control(const string &control_name) const override;

int TimeIOGroup::signal_domain_type(const string &signal_name) const override;

int TimeIOGroup::control_domain_type(const string &control_name) const override;

int TimeIOGroup::push_signal(const string &signal_name,
                             int domain_type,
                             int domain_idx) override;

int TimeIOGroup::push_control(const string &control_name,
                              int domain_type,
                              int domain_idx) override;

void TimeIOGroup::read_batch(void) override;

void TimeIOGroup::write_batch(void) override;

double TimeIOGroup::sample(int batch_idx) override;

void TimeIOGroup::adjust(int batch_idx,
                         double setting) override;

double TimeIOGroup::read_signal(const string &signal_name,
                                int domain_type,
                                int domain_idx) override;

void TimeIOGroup::write_control(const string &control_name,
                                int domain_type,
                                int domain_idx,
                                double setting) override;

void TimeIOGroup::save_control(void) override;

void TimeIOGroup::restore_control(void) override;

function<double(const vector<double> &)> TimeIOGroup::agg_function(const string &signal_name) const override;

function<string(double)> TimeIOGroup::format_function(const string &signal_name) const override;

string TimeIOGroup::signal_description(const string &signal_name) const override;

string TimeIOGroup::control_description(const string &control_name) const override;

int TimeIOGroup::signal_behavior(const string &signal_name) const override;

void TimeIOGroup::save_control(const string &save_path) override;

void TimeIOGroup::restore_control(const string &save_path) override;

string TimeIOGroup::name(void) const override;

static string TimeIOGroup::plugin_name(void);

static unique_ptr<IOGroup> TimeIOGroup::make_plugin(void);


The TimeIOGroup class is a derived implementation of geopm::IOGroup(3) that provides an implementation of the TIME signal for the time since GEOPM startup.

Class Methods


Returns the time signal name, "TIME::ELAPSED", and its alias, "TIME".


Does nothing; this IOGroup does not provide any controls.


Returns true if the signal_name is one from the list returned by signal_names().


Returns false; this IOGroup does not provide any controls.


If the signal_name is valid for this IOGroup, returns GEOPM_DOMAIN_CPU, returns GEOPM_DOMAIN_INVALID.


Returns GEOPM_DOMAIN_INVALID; this IOGroup does not provide any controls.


Since this IOGroup only provides one signal, returns 0 if the signal_name is valid. Throws a variety of exceptions if the parameters do not check out. The domain_idx parameter is ignored.


Should not be called; this IOGroup does not provide any controls. Throws an exception always.


If a time signal has been pushed, updates the time since the TimeIOGroup was created.


Does nothing; this IOGroup does not provide any controls.


Returns the value of the signal specified by a batch_idx returned from push_signal(). The value will have been updated by the most recent call to read_batch(). Throws a variety of exceptions to distinguish between error conditions.


Should not be called; this IOGroup does not provide any controls. Throws an exception always.


If signal_name is valid, immediately return the time since the TimeIOGroup was created. Throws a variety of exceptions if the parameters do not check out. The domain_idx parameter is ignored.


Should not be called; this IOGroup does not provide any controls. Throws an exception always.


This function also has an overload form that takes the save_path parameter. Does nothing in both of its forms; this IOGroup does not provide any controls.


This function also has an overload form that takes the save_path parameter. Does nothing in both of its forms; this IOGroup does not provide any controls.


The TIME signal provided by this IOGroup is aggregated using the average() function from geopm::Agg(3). Throws an exception if the signal_name is invalid.


Returns a function which formats a string to best represent a signal encoding a double precision floating point number. The function takes the signal, a real number that requires a few significant digits to accurately represent. The function returns a well formatted string representation of the signal. Throws an exception if the signal_name is invalid.


Returns a string description for signal_name, if defined.


Should not be called; this IOGroup does not provide any controls. Throws an exception always.


Returns one of the IOGroup::signal_behavior_e values which describes about how a signal will change as a function of time. This can be used when generating reports to decide how to summarize a signal’s value for the entire application run. Throws an exception if the signal_name is invalid.


Just calls plugin_name() under the hood.


Returns the name of the plugin to use when this plugin is registered with the IOGroup factory; see geopm::PluginFactory(3) for more details.


Returns a pointer to a new TimeIOGroup object; see geopm::PluginFactory(3) for more details.

See Also

geopm(7), geopm::Agg(3), geopm::IOGroup(3), geopm::PluginFactory(3)