geopm::Comm(3) – communication abstractions


The Comm class and the CommFactory class are members of the namespace geopm, but the full names, geopm::Comm and geopm::CommFactory, have been abbreviated in this manual. Similarly, the std:: namespace specifier has been omitted from the interface definitions for the following standard types: std::vector, std::pair, std::string, std::map, and std::function, to enable better rendering of this manual.


#include <geopm/Comm.hpp>

Link with -lgeopm (MPI) or -lgeopm (non-MPI)

static vector<string> Comm::comm_names(void);

static unique_ptr<Comm> Comm::make_unique(const string &comm_name);

static unique_ptr<Comm> Comm::make_unique(void);

virtual shared_ptr<Comm> Comm::split() const = 0;

virtual shared_ptr<Comm> Comm::split(int color, int key) const = 0;

virtual shared_ptr<Comm> Comm::split(const string &tag, int split_type) const = 0;

virtual shared_ptr<Comm> Comm::split(vector<int> dimensions, vector<int> periods, bool is_reorder) const = 0;

virtual shared_ptr<Comm> Comm::split_cart(vector<int> dimensions) const = 0;

virtual bool Comm::comm_supported(const string &description) const = 0;

virtual int Comm::cart_rank(const vector<int> &coords) const = 0;

virtual int Comm::rank(void) const = 0;

virtual int Comm::num_rank(void) const = 0;

virtual void Comm::dimension_create(int num_ranks, vector<int> &dimension) const = 0;

virtual void Comm::free_mem(void *base) = 0;

virtual void Comm::alloc_mem(size_t size, void **base) = 0;

virtual size_t Comm::window_create(size_t size, void *base) = 0;

virtual void Comm::window_destroy(size_t window_id) = 0;

virtual void Comm::window_lock(size_t window_id, bool is_exclusive, int rank, int assert) const = 0;

virtual void Comm::window_unlock(size_t window_id, int rank) const = 0;

virtual void Comm::coordinate(int rank, vector<int> &coord) const = 0;

virtual vector<int> Comm::coordinate(int rank) const = 0;

virtual void Comm::barrier(void) const = 0;

virtual void Comm::broadcast(void *buffer, size_t size, int root) const = 0;

virtual bool Comm::test(bool is_true) const = 0;

virtual void Comm::reduce_max(double *send_buf, double *recv_buf, size_t count, int root) const = 0;

virtual void Comm::gather(const void *send_buf, size_t send_size, void *recv_buf,
                          size_t recv_size, int root) const = 0;

virtual void Comm::gatherv(const void *send_buf, size_t send_size, void *recv_buf,
                           const vector<size_t> &recv_sizes, const vector<off_t> &rank_offset, int root) const = 0;

virtual void Comm::window_put(const void *send_buf, size_t send_size, int rank, off_t disp, size_t window_id) const = 0;

virtual void Comm::tear_down(void) = 0;


The Comm class is abstract base class for interprocess communication in GEOPM.

The CommFactory class is a specialization of PluginFactory class which creates instances of Comm class.

Enum Type

There are two enums defined in the <geopm/Comm.hpp>. Comm::m_comm_split_type_e and Comm::m_split_color_e

enum Comm::m_comm_split_type_e {

enum Comm::m_split_color_e {

Factory Accessor

class CommFactory : public PluginFactory<Comm>
        virtual ~CommFactory() = default;
CommFactory &comm_factory(void);
  • comm_factory(): This method returns the singleton accessor for the Comm factory. Calling this method will create the factory if it does not already exist.

Class Methods

  • comm_names(): Returns a list of all valid plugin names in the Comm interface.

  • make_unique(): Allocate an object of requested Comm type, attached to a unique_ptr, optionally having a comm_name.

  • split(): Allocate a new MPIComm and return it as a shared_ptr, optionally passing in different sets of parameters to the constructor of this class.

  • comm_supported(): Check if the provided string description of the plugin is actually supported by the comm. The passed in description is the plugin_name, which is initialized internally by the comm.

  • cart_rank(): Process rank within Cartesian communicator. Pertains to Introspection. The const reference to a vector of integers parameter coords represents the coordinate of Cartesian communicator member whose rank we wish to know.

  • rank(): Get the current process rank within the communicator.

  • num_rank(): Get the total number of all ranks in the communicator.

  • dimension_create(): Populate vector of optimal dimensions given the number of ranks the communicator The in parameter num_ranks is the number of ranks that must fit in Cartesian grid. The in, out vector parameter dimension is the number of ranks per dimension. The size of this vector dictates the number of dimensions in the grid. Fill indices with 0 for API to fill with suitable value.

  • free_mem(): Free memory that was allocated for message passing and RMA The in parameter base is the address of memory to be released. It was created from the alloc_mem() call.

  • alloc_mem(): Allocate memory for message passing and RMA You pass in the size of the desired memory allocation. The base address of allocated memory is “returned” in the second parameter.

  • window_create(): Create window for message passing and RMA Return window handle for subsequent operations on the window. For creation we pass in the size of the memory area backing the RMA window, and the base address of memory that has been allocated for the window.

  • window_destroy(): Destroy window for message passing and RMA, providing it the parameter window_id the window handle for the target window.

  • window_lock(): Begin epoch for message passing and RMA. The parameters: in window_id The window handle for the target window. in is_exclusive Lock type for the window, true for exclusive lock, false for shared. in rank of the locked window. in assert Used to optimize call.

  • window_unlock(): End epoch for message passing and RMA The parameters: in window_id The window handle for the target window. in rank of the locked window.

  • coordinate(): Coordinate in Cartesian grid for specified rank The parameters: in rank for which coordinates should be calculated in, out coord Cartesian coordinates of specified rank. The size of this vector should equal the number of dimensions that the Cartesian communicator was created with. Also includes an overloaded form which takes just the rank as a parameter and returns the coord vector by value.

  • barrier(): Is a barrier for all ranks. Pertains to collective communication.

  • broadcast(): Broadcast a message to all ranks The parameters: in, out buffer Starting address of buffer to be broadcasted. in size of the buffer. in root Rank of the broadcast root (target).

  • test(): Test whether or not all ranks in the communicator present the same input and return true/false accordingly. The parameter in is_true Boolean value to be reduced from all ranks.

  • reduce_max(): Reduce distributed messages across all ranks using specified operation, store result on all ranks The parameters: in send_buf Start address of memory buffer to be transmitted. out recv_buf Start address of memory buffer to receive data. in count Size of buffer in bytes to be transmitted.

  • gather(): Gather bytes from all processes The parameters: in send_buf Start address of memory buffer to be transmitted. in send_size Size of buffer to be sent. out recv_buf Start address of memory buffer to receive data. in recv_size The size of the buffer to be received. in root Rank of the target for the transmission.

  • gatherv(): Gather bytes into specified location from all processes The parameters: in send_buf Start address of memory buffer to be transmitted. in send_size Size of buffer to be sent. out recv_buf Start address of memory buffer to receive data. in recv_sizes Vector describing the buffer size per rank to be received. in rank_offset Offset per rank into target buffer for transmitted data. in root Rank of the target for the transmission.

  • window_put(): Perform message passing or RMA. The parameters: in send_buf Starting address of buffer to be transmitted via window. in send_size Size in bytes of buffer to be sent. in rank Target rank of the transmission. in disp Displacement from start of window. in window_id The window handle for the target window.

  • tear_down(): Clean up resources held by the comm. This allows static global objects to be cleaned up before the destructor is called.

See Also
