
Conferences & Workshops

HPC Lab Resources

Media Posts


Invited Talks

  • Energy efficiency challenges in High Performance Computing for a symposium organized by the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), India, 2019

  • Challenges faced by supercomputing sites in the field of energy & power-aware job scheduling and resource management, International Workshop on SRMPDS (Scheduling and Resource Management for Parallel and Distributed Systems), 2018

  • The PowerStack Initiative (A Community-driven Effort), EEHPC-WG Webinar Series, October 2018


  • Research poster on the global wide survey on energy and power-aware job scheduling and resource management, SC 2017

  • Research poster on the open-source power management runtime - GEOPM, SC 2017

Discussion Forums

  • Birds-of-a-feather sessions: SC 2017, ISC 2018, ISC 2019, ISC 2020, ISC 2021, SC 2021

  • HPC PowerStack workshop: SC 2019