geopm::SampleAggregator(3) – per-region aggregated signal data


#include <geopm/SampleAggregator.hpp>

Link with -lgeopm (MPI) or -lgeopm (non-MPI)

static unique_ptr<SampleAggregator> SampleAggregator::make_unique(void);

int SampleAggregator::push_signal(const string &signal_name,
                                  int domain_type,
                                  int domain_idx);

int SampleAggregator::push_signal_total(const string &signal_name,
                                        int domain_type,
                                        int domain_idx);

int SampleAggregator::push_signal_average(const string &signal_name,
                                          int domain_type,
                                          int domain_idx);

void SampleAggregator::update(void);

double SampleAggregator::sample_application(int signal_idx);

double SampleAggregator::sample_epoch(int signal_idx);

double SampleAggregator::sample_region(int signal_idx, uint64_t region_hash);

double SampleAggregator::sample_epoch_last(int signal_idx);

double SampleAggregator::sample_region_last(int signal_idx, uint64_t region_hash);

void SampleAggregator::period_duration(double duration);

int SampleAggregator::get_period(void);

double SampleAggregator::sample_period_last(int signal_idx);


The RegionAggregator is used to store running totals of various signals per region. Regions are automatically detected through sampling the REGION_HASH signal. The object also accumulates data for the epoch. The set of signals to be tracked is determined by pushing signals similar to the push_signal() method of geopm::PlatformIO(3).

Class Methods


Returns a unique_ptr to a concrete object constructed using the underlying implementation


Push a signal to be accumulated per-region. Check the signal behavior and call push_signal_total() or push_signal_average() accordingly. The signal to sample and aggregate is signal_name and it will be collected for the domain domain_type at domain_idx over which the region hash and signal should be sampled. The return value is an index to be used with sample() to refer to this signal. This index matches the return value of geopm::PlatformIO(3)::push_signal() for the same signal.


Push a signal to be accumulated per-region as a total. The signal_name must be a valid signal available through PlatformIO. Note that unlike other signals this is a total accumulated per region by subtracting the value of the signal at the region exit from the region entry. Region entry and exit are not exact and are determined by the value of the REGION_HASH signal at the time of read_batch(). This aggregation should only be used for signals that are monotonically increasing, such as time. The signal to sample and aggregate is signal_name and it will be collected for the domain domain_type at domain_idx over which the region hash and signal should be sampled. The return value is an index to be used with sample() to refer to this signal. This index matches the return value of geopm::PlatformIO(3)::push_signal() for the same signal.


Push a signal to be accumulated per-region as an average. The signal_name must be a valid signal available through PlatformIO. Note that unlike other signals this is an average value accumulated per region by a time weighted mean of the values sampled while in the region. Region entry and exit are not exact and are determined by the value of the REGION_HASH signal at the time of read_batch(). This aggregation should be used for signals that vary up and down over time such as the CPU frequency. The signal to sample and aggregate is signal_name and it will be collected for the domain domain_type at domain_idx over which the region hash and signal should be sampled. The return value is an index to be used with sample() to refer to this signal. This index matches the return value of geopm::PlatformIO(3)::push_signal() for the same signal.


Update stored totals for each signal. This method is to be called after each call to PlatformIO::read_batch(). This should be called with every PlatformIO update because sample_total() maybe not be called until the end of execution.


Get the aggregated value of a signal. The aggregation type is determined by which method was used to push the signal: push_signal_total() or push_signal_average(). The signal_idx parameter is the Index returned by a previous call to push_signal_total() or push_signal_average(). The value returned is aggregated over all samples since the application start, regardless of region or epoch.


Get the aggregated value of a signal since the first epoch. The aggregation type is determined by which method was used to push the signal: push_signal_total() or push_signal_average(). The signal_idx parameter is the Index returned by a previous call to push_signal_total() or push_signal_average(). The value returned is aggregated over all samples since the first epoch observed over the domain specified when the signal was pushed, or NAN if called before first call to update().


Get the aggregated value of a signal during the execution of a particular region. The aggregation type is determined by which method was used to push the signal: push_signal_total() or push_signal_average(). The signal_idx parameter is the Index returned by a previous call to push_signal_total() or push_signal_average(). The value returned is aggregated over all samples where the region_hash signal matched the value specified for the domain pushed. The returned value is zero for push_signal_total() aggregation, and NAN for push_signal_average() aggregation if the region was not observed for any samples, or NAN if called before first call to update().


Get the aggregated value of a signal over the last completed epoch interval. The aggregation type is determined by which method was used to push the signal: push_signal_total() or push_signal_average(). The signal_idx parameter is the Index returned by a previous call to push_signal_total() or push_signal_average(). The value returned is aggregated over all samples between the last two samples when the epoch count changed, or NAN if called before first call to update().


Get the aggregated value of a signal during the the last completed execution of a particular region. The aggregation type is determined by which method was used to push the signal: push_signal_total() or push_signal_average(). The signal_idx parameter is the Index returned by a previous call to push_signal_total() or push_signal_average(). The value returned is aggregated over the last contiguous set of samples where the region_hash signal matched the value specified for the domain pushed. Note that if the region is currently executing, the value reported is aggregated over the last region interval, not the currently executing interval. The returned value is zero for push_signal_total() aggregation, and NAN for push_signal_average() aggregation if a completed region with the specified hash has not been observed, or NAN if called before first call to update() or if period_duration() was not called.


Set the time period for sample_period_last() Calling this method prior to the first call to update() enables signals to be accumulated on a periodic basis. The sample_period_last() method is used to sample an accumulated value over the last completed time interval, and the period of the interval is configured by calling this method. The duration is the time interval in seconds over which the sample_region_last() method is aggregated (must be greater than 0.0).


Get the index of the current time period. Provides an index of completed durations. Returns the number of completed durations since the application start. Will return zero if periodic sampling is not enabled (when period_duration() was not called prior to update()). When periodic sampling is enabled, the sample_period_last() method will return 0.0 until a full period has elapsed, this corresponds to when get_period() returns a value greater than zero.


Get the aggregated value of a signal during the last completed time interval.

See Also

geopm(7), geopm::PlatformIO(3)