geopm::Exception(3) – custom GEOPM exceptions


The Exception class and the exception_handler() function are members of the namespace geopm, but the full names, geopm::Exception and geopm::exception_handler(), have been abbreviated in this manual. Similarly, the std:: namespace specifier has been omitted from the interface definitions for the following standard types: std::vector, std::string, std::exception_ptr, std::runtime_error, and std::function, to enable better rendering of this manual.

Note that the geopm::Exception class is derived from std::runtime_error class.


#include <geopm/Exception.hpp>

Link with -lgeopm (MPI) or -lgeopm (non-MPI)

int exception_handler(exception_ptr eptr, bool do_print=false);


Exception::Exception(const Exception &other);

Exception::Exception(const string &what, int err, const char *file, int line);

virtual Exception::~Exception(void) = default;

int Exception::err_value(void) const;


This class is used to format error messages for the GEOPM runtime according to the error code. The list of errors is described in geopm_error(3). Positive error codes are system errors (see errno(3)), negative values are GEOPM errors. If zero is specified for the error code, GEOPM_ERROR_RUNTIME (-1) is assumed.


  • exception_handler(): Handle a thrown exception pointed to by eptr and return an error value. This exception handler is used by every GEOPM C interface to handle any exceptions that are thrown during execution of a C++ implementation. If GEOPM has been configured with debugging enabled and do_print is true, then this handler will print an explanatory message to standard error. In all cases it will convert the C++ exception into an error number which can be used with geopm_error_message() to obtain an error message. Note that the error message printed when debugging is enabled has more specific information than the message produced by geopm_error_message().

Class Methods

  • Exception(): Empty constructor. Uses errno to determine the error code. If errno is zero then GEOPM_ERROR_RUNTIME (-1) is used for the error code. Enables an abbreviated what() result.

  • Exception(const string &what, int err, const char *file, int line): Message, error number, file and line constructor. User provides message what, error code err, and location where the exception was thrown. The file name and line number may come from preprocessor macros __FILE__ and __LINE__ respectively. The what() method appends the user specified message, file name and line number to the abbreviated message. This is the most verbose messaging available with the Exception class.

  • err_value(): Returns the non-zero error code associated with the exception. Negative error codes are GEOPM-specific and documented in the geopm_error(3) man page. Positive error codes are system errors and are documented in the system errno(3) man page. A brief description of all error codes can be obtained with the geopm_error_message() interface.

See Also

geopm(7), geopm_error(3), errno(3)