geopm::MSRIO(3) – methods for reading and writing MSRs


The MSRIO class is a member of the namespace geopm, but the full name, geopm::MSRIO, has been abbreviated in this manual. Similarly, the std:: namespace specifier has been omitted from the interface definitions for the following standard types: std::vector, std::string, std::set, std::unique_ptr, std::shared_ptr to enable better rendering of this manual.


#include <geopm/MSRIO.hpp>

Link with -lgeopmd

virtual uint64_t MSRIO::read_msr(int cpu_idx,
                                 uint64_t offset) = 0;

virtual void MSRIO::write_msr(int cpu_idx,
                              uint64_t offset,
                              uint64_t raw_value,
                              uint64_t write_mask) = 0;

virtual int MSRIO::add_read(int cpu_idx, uint64_t offset) = 0;

virtual void MSRIO::read_batch(void) = 0;

virtual int MSRIO::add_write(int cpu_idx, uint64_t offset) = 0;

virtual void MSRIO::adjust(int batch_idx,
                           uint64_t value,
                           uint64_t write_mask) = 0;

virtual uint64_t MSRIO::sample(int batch_idx) const = 0;

virtual void MSRIO::write_batch(void) = 0;

static unique_ptr<MSRIO> MSRIO::make_unique(void);

static shared_ptr<MSRIO> MSRIO::make_shared(void);


The MSRIO class handles reading and writing to Model-Specific Registers (MSRs). The implementation uses msr-safe, found at to allow access to a controlled set of MSRs from user space. Refer to geopm_pio_msr(7) for more details.

This class is an abstract base class.

Class Methods


Read from a single MSR at offset on the logical Linux CPU specified by cpu_idx. Returns the raw encoded MSR value.


Write to a single MSR at offset on the logical Linux CPU specified by cpu_idx. The value in raw_value will be masked with write_mask and the value will only be written for bits where the write_mask is 1. All other bits in the MSR will remain unmodified. If the raw_value tries to write any bits outside the mask, an error will be raised.


Add an offset to the list of MSRs to be read by the next call to read_batch(), extend this set of MSRs with a single offset. The cpu_idx is the logical Linux CPU index to read from when read_batch() method is called. Returns the logical index that will be passed to sample().


Batch read a set of MSRs configured by a previous call to the batch_config() method. The memory used to store the result should have been returned by add_read(). The resulting raw encoded MSR values are accessible through sample().


Add another offset to the list of MSRs to be written in batch. The cpu_idx is the logical Linux CPU index to write to when write_batch() method is called. Returns the logical index that will be passed to adjust().


Adjust a value that was previously added with the add_write() method. The value in will be masked with write_mask and the value will only be written for bits where the write_mask is 1. All other bits in the MSR will remain unmodified. If the value tries to write any bits outside the mask, an error will be raised.


Read the full 64-bit value of the MSR that was previously added to the MSRIO batch with add_read(). read_batch() must be called prior to calling sample().


Batch write a set of MSRs configured by a previous call to the batch_config() method. The values in the raw_value vector will be written to the corresponding configured locations.


Returns a unique_ptr to a concrete object constructed using the underlying implementation


Returns a shared_ptr to a concrete object constructed using the underlying implementation

See Also

geopm(7), geopm_pio_msr(7), geopm::MSRIOGroup(3)