geopm 3.1.1.dev414+g0e57f5ae
GEOPM - Global Extensible Open Power Manager
No Matches
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Cgeopm::ApplicationRecordLogProvides an abstraction for a shared memory buffer that can be used to pass entry, exit, epoch and short region events from Profile to ApplicationSampler
 Cgeopm::ApplicationStatusObject that encapsulates application process information such as the process ID, region hash, or region hint. There will be one ApplicationStatus for the node (board domain) on each side of the shared memory
 Cgeopm::AvgAccumulatorClass to track the average value of a signal while a condition is true
 Cgeopm::CircularBuffer< T >
 Cgeopm::CircularBuffer< uint64_t >
 Cgeopm::CommAbstract base class for interprocess communication in geopm
 Cgeopm::CSVCSV class provides the GEOPM interface for creation of character separated value tabular data files. These CSV formatted files are created with a header containing some meta-data prefixed by the '#' character and then one line that defines the field name for the column. The separation character is a '|' not a comma
 Cgeopm::DenseLayerClass to store dense layers and perform operations on the layers' 1D and 2D Tensors, aka vectors and matrices, suitable for use in feed-forward neural networks
 Cgeopm::DomainNetMapClass to load neural net from file, sample signals specified in that file, feed those signals into the neural net and manage the output from the neural nets
 Cgeopm::ELFClass encapsulating interactions with ELF files
 Cgeopm::EnvironmentEnvironment class encapsulates all functionality related to dealing with runtime environment variables
 Cgeopm::FrequencyLimitDetectorDetect maximum achievable frequency limits of CPU cores
 Cgeopm_prof::geopm_ctl_createFortran interface to geopm_ctl_create C function
 Cgeopm_prof::geopm_ctl_destroyFortran interface to geopm_ctl_destroy C function
 Cgeopm_prof::geopm_ctl_runFortran interface to geopm_ctl_run C function
 Cgeopm_prof::geopm_prof_enterFortran interface to geopm_prof_enter C function
 Cgeopm_prof::geopm_prof_epochFortran interface to geopm_prof_epoch C function
 Cgeopm_prof::geopm_prof_exitFortran interface to geopm_prof_exit C function
 Cgeopm_prof::geopm_prof_regionFortran interface to geopm_prof_region C function
 Cgeopm_prof::geopm_tprof_initFortran interface to geopm_tprof_init C function
 Cgeopm_prof::geopm_tprof_postFortran interface to geopm_tprof_post C function
 Cgeopm::LocalNeuralNetClass to manage data and operations of feed forward neural nets required for neural net inference
 Cgeopm::NNFactoryClass to generate objects related to feed-forward neural nets, i.e. TensorOneD, TensorTwoD, DenseLayer, and LocalNeuralNet objects
 Cgeopm::PowerBalancerStay within a power cap but redistribute power to optimize performance. An average per compute node power maximum is maintained, but individual nodes will be allowed above or below this average
 Cgeopm::ProcessRegionAggregatorClass responsible for reading records from the ApplicationSampler and calculating the per-process runtimes within each region
 Cgeopm::ProfileEnables application profiling and application feedback to the control algorithm
 Cgeopm::record_sRecord of an application event
 Cgeopm::RecordFilterBase class for filters that can be applied to ApplicationSampler record streams produced by a single process
 Cgeopm::RegionHintRecommenderClass ingesting the output from a DomainNetMap and a frequency map json file and determining a recommended frequency decision
 Cgeopm::ReporterA class used by the Controller to format the report at the end of a run. Most of the information for the report is passed into the generate() method at the end of a run, however the Reporter is also responsible for pushing some per-region signals to indicate that they should be tracked by the PlatformIO
 Cgeopm::SSTClosGovernorGovern class of service (CLOS) controls
 Cgeopm::SumAccumulatorClass to track the total increase of a signal while a condition is true
 Cgeopm::TensorMathClass to perform operations on 1D and 2D Tensors, aka vectors and matrices, suitable for use in feed-forward neural networks
 Cgeopm::TensorOneDClass to store and perform operations on 1D Tensors, aka vectors, suitable for use in feed-forward neural networks
 Cgeopm::TensorTwoDClass to manage data and operations related to 2D Tensors required for neural net inference
 Cgeopm::TracerAbstract base class for the Tracer object defines the interface
 Cgeopm::ValidateRecordChecks validity and self consistency of a record stream from a single process. This check is applied by the ApplicationSampler when updates are provided and after the filter is applied
 Cgeopm::WaiterClass to support a periodic wait loop