geopm  3.1.1.dev214+gba4f9f6d
GEOPM - Global Extensible Open Power Manager
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geopm::PowerBalancerAgent Class Reference

#include <PowerBalancerAgent.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for geopm::PowerBalancerAgent:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for geopm::PowerBalancerAgent:
Collaboration graph


class  LeafRole
class  MeasureRuntimeStep
class  ReduceLimitStep
class  Role
class  RootRole
class  SendDownLimitStep
class  Step
class  TreeRole

Public Types

enum  m_policy_e {
enum  m_sample_e {
enum  m_trace_sample_e {

Public Member Functions

 PowerBalancerAgent (PlatformIO &platform_io, const PlatformTopo &platform_topo, std::shared_ptr< SampleAggregator > sample_agg, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< PowerBalancer > > power_balancer, double min_power, double max_power, std::shared_ptr< Waiter > waiter)
 PowerBalancerAgent ()
virtual ~PowerBalancerAgent ()=default
void init (int level, const std::vector< int > &fan_in, bool is_level_root) override
 Set the level where this Agent is active and push signals/controls for that level. More...
void validate_policy (std::vector< double > &policy) const override
 Called by Controller to validate incoming policy values and configure defaults requested in incoming policy. Policy sender can request default value with 'NaN' at the desired offset in the policy vector. Returned policy should not contain 'NaN's and be consumeable by descend and adjust_platform. More...
void split_policy (const std::vector< double > &in_policy, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &out_policy) override
 Called by Controller to split policy for children at next level down the tree. More...
bool do_send_policy (void) const override
 Called by Controller to determine if new policy values should be sent down the tree to the Agent's children. More...
void aggregate_sample (const std::vector< std::vector< double > > &in_sample, std::vector< double > &out_sample) override
 Aggregate samples from children for the next level up the tree. More...
bool do_send_sample (void) const override
void adjust_platform (const std::vector< double > &in_policy) override
 Adjust the platform settings based the policy from above. More...
bool do_write_batch (void) const override
 Called by the Controller to decide whether to call write_batch() to update platform controls. More...
void sample_platform (std::vector< double > &out_sample) override
 Read signals from the platform and interpret/aggregate these signals to create a sample which can be sent up the tree. More...
void wait (void) override
 Called by Controller to wait for sample period to elapse. This controls the cadence of the Controller main loop. More...
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > report_header (void) const override
 Custom fields that will be added to the report header when this agent is used. More...
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > report_host (void) const override
 Custom fields for the host section of the report. More...
std::map< uint64_t, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > > report_region (void) const override
 Custom fields for each region in the report. More...
std::vector< std::string > trace_names (void) const override
 Column headers to be added to the trace. More...
std::vector< std::function< std::string(double)> > trace_formats (void) const override
 Returns format string for each column added to the trace. More...
void trace_values (std::vector< double > &values) override
 Called by Controller to get latest values to be added to the trace. More...
void enforce_policy (const std::vector< double > &policy) const override
 Enforce the policy one time with PlatformIO::write_control(). Called to enforce static policies in the absence of a Controller. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from geopm::Agent
 Agent ()=default
virtual ~Agent ()=default

Static Public Member Functions

static std::string plugin_name (void)
static std::unique_ptr< Agentmake_plugin (void)
static std::vector< std::string > policy_names (void)
static std::vector< std::string > sample_names (void)
static std::string format_step_count (double step)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from geopm::Agent
static std::vector< std::string > agent_names (void)
static std::unique_ptr< Agentmake_unique (const std::string &agent_name)
static int num_policy (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &dictionary)
 Used to look up the number of values in the policy vector sent down the tree for a specific Agent. This should be called with the dictionary returned by agent_factory().dictionary(agent_name) for the Agent of interest. More...
static int num_policy (const std::string &agent_name)
 Used to look up the number of values in the policy vector sent down the tree for a specific Agent. More...
static int num_sample (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &dictionary)
 Used to look up the number of values in the sample vector sent up the tree for a specific Agent. This should be called with the dictionary returned by agent_factory().dictionary(agent_name) for the Agent of interest. More...
static int num_sample (const std::string &agent_name)
 Used to look up the number of values in the sample vector sent up the tree for a specific Agent. More...
static std::vector< std::string > policy_names (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &dictionary)
 Used to look up the names of values in the policy vector sent down the tree for a specific Agent. This should be called with the dictionary returned by agent_factory().dictionary(agent_name) for the Agent of interest. More...
static std::vector< std::string > policy_names (const std::string &agent_name)
 Used to look up the names of values in the policy vector sent down the tree for a specific Agent. More...
static std::vector< std::string > sample_names (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &dictionary)
 Used to look up the names of values in the sample vector sent up the tree for a specific Agent. This should be called with the dictionary returned by agent_factory().dictionary(agent_name) for the Agent of interest. More...
static std::vector< std::string > sample_names (const std::string &agent_name)
 Used to look up the names of values in the sample vector sent up the tree for a specific Agent. More...
static std::map< std::string, std::string > make_dictionary (const std::vector< std::string > &policy_names, const std::vector< std::string > &sample_names)
 Used to create a correctly-formatted dictionary for an Agent at the time the Agent is registered with the factory. Concrete Agent classes may provide policy_names() and sample_names() methods to provide the vectors to be passed to this method. More...
static void aggregate_sample (const std::vector< std::vector< double > > &in_sample, const std::vector< std::function< double(const std::vector< double > &)> > &agg_func, std::vector< double > &out_sample)
 Generically aggregate a vector of samples given a vector of aggregation functions. This helper method applies a different aggregation function to each sample element while aggregating across child samples. More...

Protected Attributes

PlatformIO & m_platform_io
const PlatformTopo & m_platform_topo
std::shared_ptr< SampleAggregatorm_sample_agg
std::shared_ptr< Rolem_role
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< PowerBalancer > > m_power_balancer
double m_power_tdp
bool m_do_send_sample
bool m_do_send_policy
bool m_do_write_batch
const double M_TIME_WINDOW
std::shared_ptr< Waiterm_waiter

Static Protected Attributes

static constexpr double M_WAIT_SEC = 0.005

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from geopm::Agent
static const std::string M_PLUGIN_PREFIX = "libgeopmagent_"

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ m_policy_e


The power cap enforced on average over all nodes running the application. This has value 0.0 except in two cases. In the first case this is the M_SEND_DOWN_LIMIT step at the beginning of the application run. This value will also be non-zero in the case where the resource manager has requested a new budget for the application, and thus, the algorithm must be restarted at step M_SEND_DOWN_LIMIT.


Step that the root is providing a policy for. The parent has received a sample matching this step in the last walk up the tree, except in the case where the root Agent has recently been updated with a new policy; in this case the step will be M_SEND_DOWN_LIMIT and the policy indexed by M_POLICY_POWER_CAP will have a non-zero value.


The largest runtime reported by any leaf agent since the last redistribution of power. This will have value 0.0 until all leaf agents have reported a runtime to the root agent.


This value is updated in step M_STEP_ADJUST_LIMIT to the amount that each leaf agent should increase their power limit by calling: power_cap(current_limit + slack) by before starting the algorithm over again at step M_STEP_MEASURE_RUNTIME. For all other steps this value is 0.0.


Number of steps in each iteration of the balancing algorithm.

◆ m_sample_e


The the step counter that is currently in execution. Note that the step is equal to the step counter modulo M_NUM_STEP and is reset each time a new power cap is provided by sending a policy with a non-zero M_POLICY_POWER_CAP field.


Maximum expected runtime for any node below.


The sum of all slack power available from children below the agent.


Smallest difference between maximum power limit and current power limit for any node below.


Number of elements in a sample vector.

◆ m_step_e


On first iteration send down resource manager average limit requested, otherwise send down average excess power.


Measure epoch runtime several times and apply median filter. Aggregate epoch runtime up tree by applying maximum filter to measured values. Propagate down from root the longest recorded runtime from any node.


Decrease power limit on all nodes (other than the slowest) until epoch runtime matches the slowest. Aggregate amount power limit was reduced in last step up the tree with sum filter. (Go to M_STEP_SEND_DOWN_LIMIT next).


Number of steps in process.

◆ m_trace_sample_e


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PowerBalancerAgent() [1/2]

geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::PowerBalancerAgent ( PlatformIO &  platform_io,
const PlatformTopo &  platform_topo,
std::shared_ptr< SampleAggregator sample_agg,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< PowerBalancer > >  power_balancer,
double  min_power,
double  max_power,
std::shared_ptr< Waiter waiter 

◆ PowerBalancerAgent() [2/2]

geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::PowerBalancerAgent ( )

◆ ~PowerBalancerAgent()

virtual geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::~PowerBalancerAgent ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ adjust_platform()

void geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::adjust_platform ( const std::vector< double > &  in_policy)

Adjust the platform settings based the policy from above.

[in]policySettings for each control in the policy.

Implements geopm::Agent.

◆ aggregate_sample()

void geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::aggregate_sample ( const std::vector< std::vector< double > > &  in_sample,
std::vector< double > &  out_sample 

Aggregate samples from children for the next level up the tree.

[in]in_sampleVector of sample vectors, one from each child.
[out]out_sampleAggregated sample values to be sent up to the parent.

Implements geopm::Agent.

◆ do_send_policy()

bool geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::do_send_policy ( void  ) const

Called by Controller to determine if new policy values should be sent down the tree to the Agent's children.

True if the policy has been updated since last call.

Implements geopm::Agent.

◆ do_send_sample()

bool geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::do_send_sample ( void  ) const
True if new samples were read since last call.

Implements geopm::Agent.

◆ do_write_batch()

bool geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::do_write_batch ( void  ) const

Called by the Controller to decide whether to call write_batch() to update platform controls.

True if platform was adjusted, false otherwise.

Implements geopm::Agent.

◆ enforce_policy()

void geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::enforce_policy ( const std::vector< double > &  policy) const

Enforce the policy one time with PlatformIO::write_control(). Called to enforce static policies in the absence of a Controller.

Implements geopm::Agent.

◆ format_step_count()

std::string geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::format_step_count ( double  step)

◆ init()

void geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::init ( int  level,
const std::vector< int > &  fan_in,
bool  is_level_root 

Set the level where this Agent is active and push signals/controls for that level.

[in]levelLevel of the tree where this agent is active. Note that only agents at level zero execute sample_platform() and adjust_platform().
[in]fan_inVector over level giving the the number of Agents that report to each root Agent operating at the level.
[in]is_level_rootTrue if the agent plays the role of root of the level. Only root agents for a level execute ascend() and descend().

Implements geopm::Agent.

◆ make_plugin()

std::unique_ptr< Agent > geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::make_plugin ( void  )

◆ plugin_name()

std::string geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::plugin_name ( void  )

◆ policy_names()

std::vector< std::string > geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::policy_names ( void  )

◆ report_header()

std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::report_header ( void  ) const

Custom fields that will be added to the report header when this agent is used.

Implements geopm::Agent.

◆ report_host()

std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::report_host ( void  ) const

Custom fields for the host section of the report.

Implements geopm::Agent.

◆ report_region()

std::map< uint64_t, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > > geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::report_region ( void  ) const

Custom fields for each region in the report.

Implements geopm::Agent.

◆ sample_names()

std::vector< std::string > geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::sample_names ( void  )

◆ sample_platform()

void geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::sample_platform ( std::vector< double > &  out_sample)

Read signals from the platform and interpret/aggregate these signals to create a sample which can be sent up the tree.

[out]sampleVector of agent specific sample values to be sent up the tree.

Implements geopm::Agent.

◆ split_policy()

void geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::split_policy ( const std::vector< double > &  in_policy,
std::vector< std::vector< double > > &  out_policy 

Called by Controller to split policy for children at next level down the tree.

[in]in_policyPolicy values from the parent.
[out]out_policyVector of policies to be sent to each child.

Implements geopm::Agent.

◆ trace_formats()

std::vector< std::function< std::string(double)> > geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::trace_formats ( void  ) const

Returns format string for each column added to the trace.

Reimplemented from geopm::Agent.

◆ trace_names()

std::vector< std::string > geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::trace_names ( void  ) const

Column headers to be added to the trace.

Implements geopm::Agent.

◆ trace_values()

void geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::trace_values ( std::vector< double > &  values)

Called by Controller to get latest values to be added to the trace.

Implements geopm::Agent.

◆ validate_policy()

void geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::validate_policy ( std::vector< double > &  policy) const

Called by Controller to validate incoming policy values and configure defaults requested in incoming policy. Policy sender can request default value with 'NaN' at the desired offset in the policy vector. Returned policy should not contain 'NaN's and be consumeable by descend and adjust_platform.

[in,out]policyPolicy replace NaN's with defaults. If a value of policy is not NaN but the value is not supported by the Agent the method will throw a geopm::Exception with error code GEOPM_ERROR_INVALID.

Implements geopm::Agent.

◆ wait()

void geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::wait ( void  )

Called by Controller to wait for sample period to elapse. This controls the cadence of the Controller main loop.

Implements geopm::Agent.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_do_send_policy

bool geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::m_do_send_policy

◆ m_do_send_sample

bool geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::m_do_send_sample

◆ m_do_write_batch

bool geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::m_do_write_batch


const double geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::M_MAX_PKG_POWER_SETTING


const double geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::M_MIN_PKG_POWER_SETTING

◆ m_platform_io

PlatformIO& geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::m_platform_io

◆ m_platform_topo

const PlatformTopo& geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::m_platform_topo

◆ m_power_balancer

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PowerBalancer> > geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::m_power_balancer

◆ m_power_tdp

double geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::m_power_tdp

◆ m_role

std::shared_ptr<Role> geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::m_role

◆ m_sample_agg

std::shared_ptr<SampleAggregator> geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::m_sample_agg


const double geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::M_TIME_WINDOW


constexpr double geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::M_WAIT_SEC = 0.005

◆ m_waiter

std::shared_ptr<Waiter> geopm::PowerBalancerAgent::m_waiter

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