Contributor Guide

This file describes how to contribute to the GEOPM project: how to create bug reports, request features, and contribute to the repository. All feedback is appreciated.

Refer to the developers guide for more details about how to make changes to the source code. The guide for developers is maintained here:

Bug Report

Please file an issue on our GitHub site for any bug observed:

and select the “Bug report” template.

If possible, please reproduce issue with the –enable-debug option passed to configure at build time and then report any error messages emitted by GEOPM at run time. Please provide the version of GEOPM that produced the problem. The GEOPM version can be found by running the command

geopmread --version

Providing code that is small and reproduces the issue is nice to have.

Feature Request

Please submit an issue on GitHub for any feature requests using the “Feature request” template. Feature request issues should be titled as a user story of the form:

“As a <ROLE> I would like <FEATURE>”

in this way the author of the issue identifies the role that will benefit from the feature and then describes the feature iteslf. Common roles include “user of the GEOPM runtime”, “user of the GEOPM service”, “developer of GEOPM”, etc. Please be as specific as possible when identifying the role, e.g. “user of the geopmsession command line tool” is preferred to “user of the GEOPM service”.

When planning to implement a new feature as a contribution to the main repository, please start this collaboration by creating a feature request issue. Please open the feature issue as soon as possible in the process of planning the work.

Change Request

Changes to GEOPM are submitted by opening a pull request on GitHub from a fork of GEOPM. Including a Signed-off-by: line in the commit message is appreciated, but not required. All pull requests to the geopm/geopm repository on GitHub will automatically be submitted to GitHub Actions for unit testing.

Making a pull request is a step in a process. The first step in this process is creating an issue from one the “Bug report”, “Feature request”, or “Story” templates. This step identifies the high level goal for one or more changes to the repository.

Each change to the repository is identified with an issue created using one of the issues templates that begins “Change - “. The “Change” issue should reference the “Bug report,” “Feature request,” or “Story” that the change relates to. This is done with a “Relates to #XXXX” note in the issue description.

Each pull request will close a “Change” issue by filling in the “Fixes #XXXX” notation in the pull request template, it may also close the high level issue, if this is the last required change to fix the bug, complete the feature, or accomplish the story described in the high level issue. Note that the requirements for the pull request should be documented in the “Change” issue, not in the pull request itself.

The link for creating an issue is here:

The link for creating a pull request is here:

The link to the results of the unit testing can be found under the actions tab on the GEOPM GitHub webpage:

We encourage users and developers of the GEOPM software to participate in our code review process through GitHub.

Review process

Our process for requesting a pull request to be reviewed and merged is as follows:

  1. An issue has been created about the problem that the pull request is solving. Note that most PRs that change source code refer to an issue created with one of the “Change - “ templates.

  2. Author creates a branch reflecting the issue number, e.g. “issue-1234”.

  3. Changes are made on that branch and pushed to the author’s fork of the GEOPM repository.

  4. The author submits the pull request based on the issue branch. Please refer to the Git documentation on how to create pull request: Note that the pull request will be filled with a template. Selecting the “Preview” tab to render the markdown in the template may be helpful when editing the pull request text.

  5. Check that all of the requirements in the issue referenced by the PR have been met.

  6. The submitter may optionally request specific people to be reviewers. Otherwise, any GEOPM maintainer may be an approver for the pull request. The #code-review channel on GEOPM’s slack organization may be used to alert maintainers of a review request.

  7. During the review process, a reviewer may request changes to the pull request. If possible, these changes should be submitted as new commits without rebasing or squashing to simplify the reader’s ability to view changes.

  8. When the pull request is accepted by the reviewer(s), it will be marked “Approve”. Once the request is approved by all reviewers and all CI checks are passing, the change will be integrated into the GEOPM development branch by a maintainer.