geopmbench(1) -- synthetic benchmark application ================================================ Synopsis -------- .. code-block:: bash geopmbench [--verbose] [CONFIG_FILE] Description ----------- The command line tool ``geopmbench``, an example hybrid MPI/OpenMP application, contains several selectable regions with different runtime characteristics. ``geopmbench`` can be used as a synthetic benchmark to test the behavior of plugins to GEOPM, or as an integration test of the installation. It is also used in the tutorials. The optional configuration passed as ``CONFIG_FILE`` can be used to adjust the number and type of regions, problem size of each region (referred to as ``big-o``), and number of iterations to run the entire application. The ``big-o`` value for each of the regions is designed such that a ``big-o`` of ``1.0`` will run on the order of one second, and the runtime will scale linearly with ``big-o``. The correct base value for one second of runtime varies between platforms, so the ``big-o`` should be tuned to achieve the desired runtime on a platform. The regions can also be configured to run with imbalance on different nodes. Unless otherwise noted, the hint used is ``GEOPM_REGION_HINT_UNKNOWN``. Region names can be one of the following options: * *sleep*: Executes ``clock_nanosleep()`` for ``big-o`` seconds. * *spin*: Executes a spin loop for ``big-o`` seconds. * *dgemm*: Dense matrix-matrix multiply with floating point operations proportional to ``big-o``. ``GEOPM_REGION_HINT_COMPUTE`` is set for this region. * *stream*: Executes stream "triad" on a vector with length proportional to ``big-o``. ``GEOPM_REGION_HINT_MEMORY`` is set for this region. * *all2all*: All processes send buffers to all other processes. The time of this operation is proportional to ``big-o``. * *ignore*: Sleeps for a number of seconds equal to the ``big-o``. ``GEOPM_REGION_HINT_IGNORE`` is set for this region. * *scaling*: Executes an arithmetic operation where ``big-o`` is a linear function of CPU frequency. Designed to fill the LLC. ``GEOPM_REGION_HINT_MEMORY`` is set for this region. * *barrier*: Executes MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD). ``big-o`` has no effect. * *reduce*: Executes MPI_Allreduce on a buffer sized by ``big-o``. A ``big-o`` of 1 will produce a 64MiB buffer. * *timed_scaling*: Like the *scaling* region but termintates based on elapsed time as opposed to finishing the calculation. Of these regions, *dgemm* exhibits the most compute-intensive behavior and will be sensitive to frequency, while *stream* is memory-intensive and is less sensitive to CPU frequency. *all2all* represents a network-intensive region. The JSON config file must follow this schema: .. literalinclude:: ../json_schemas/geopmbench_config.schema.json :language: json Examples -------- Use :doc:`geopmlaunch(1) ` to launch ``geopmbench`` with a given configuration provided as a command line argument: .. code-block:: bash geopmlaunch srun -N 2 -n 32 -c 4 --geopm-ctl=process \ \ -- geopmbench config.json The config file is a JSON file containing the loop count and sequence of regions in each loop. Example configuration JSON string: .. code-block:: json { "loop-count": 10, "region": ["sleep", "stream", "dgemm", "stream", "all2all"], "big-o": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] } The ``"loop-count"`` value is an integer that sets the number of loops executed. Each time through the loop the regions listed in the ``"region"`` array are executed. The ``"big-o"`` array gives double precision values for each region. Example configuration JSON string with imbalance: .. code-block:: json { "loop-count": 10, "region": ["sleep", "stream", "dgemm-imbalance", "stream", "all2all"], "big-o": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "hostname": ["compute-node-3", "compute-node-15"], "imbalance": [0.05, 0.15] } If ``"-imbalance"`` is appended to any region name in the configuration file and the ``"hostname"`` and ``"imbalance"`` fields are provided then those regions will have an injected delay on the hosts listed. In the above example a 5% delay on ``"my-compute-node-3"`` and a 15% delay on ``"my-compute-node-15"`` are injected when executing the *dgemm* region. If ``"-progress"`` is appended to any region name in the configuration, then progress for the region will be reported through the ``geopm_tprof_*()`` API. If ``"-unmarked"`` is appended to any region name in the configuration, then the region will **not** be marked with the ``geopm_prof_*()`` API calls for ``enter()`` and ``exit()`` calls. Environment ----------- The GEOPMBENCH_NO_MPI environment variable, if set, will skip all calls to MPI functions in the geopmbench executable. This is primarily to enable integration testing. Note that the "all2all" model region replaces the call to ``MPI_Alltoall()`` with a 100 microsecond sleep. See Also -------- :doc:`geopm(7) `, :doc:`geopm_prof(3) `, :doc:`geopmlaunch(1) `