.. role:: raw-html-m2r(raw) :format: html geopm::EnergyEfficientRegion(3) -- region frequency tuning history ================================================================== NAMESPACES ---------- The ``EnergyEfficientRegion`` class and the ``EnergyEfficientRegionImp`` class are members of the ``namespace geopm``, but the full names, ``geopm::EnergyEfficientRegion`` and ``geopm::EnergyEfficientRegionImp``, have been abbreviated in this manual. Similarly, the ``std::`` namespace specifier has been omitted from the interface definitions for the following standard types: ``std::vector``\ , ``std::pair``\ , ``std::string``\ , ``std::map``\ , and ``std::function``\ , to enable better rendering of this manual. Note that the ``EnergyEfficientRegion`` class is an abstract base class. There is one concrete implementation, ``EnergyEfficientRegionImp``. SYNOPSIS -------- #include ` `_\ Link with ``-lgeopm`` **(MPI)** or ``-lgeopmpolicy`` **(non-MPI)** .. code-block:: c++ virtual double EnergyEfficientRegion::freq(void) const; virtual void EnergyEfficientRegion::update_freq_range(double freq_min, duble freq_max, double freq_step); virtual void EnergyEfficientRegion::update_exit(double curr_perf_metric); virtual bool EnergyEfficientRegion::is_learning(void) const; DESCRIPTION ----------- Holds the performance history of a Region. This class is used by `geopm_agent_energy_efficient(7) `_ to store history about the performance of a region at each frequency setting and find the best frequency for each region. For more details, see the doxygen page at https://geopm.github.io/dox/classgeopm_1_1_energy_efficient_region.html. CLASS METHODS ------------- **TODO** SEE ALSO -------- `geopm(7) `_\ , `geopm_agent_energy_efficient(7) `_ `geopm::EnergyEfficientAgent(3) `_